•CR584 Support for Flatten Lists to be Scheduled with a Dynamic Date
•CR585 Support for VCHIP extended ratings
•CR586 Support for Updated AAF Templates for Data Track
•CR589 Drop Frame Timecodes and Flattening
•CR591 Replace TAPE on Flatten Lists with Ingested Material ID (for Work from Tape)
•CR592 Revert section 3.1 and 3.2 of CR-PBS542
•CR588 (BVCS-20058) REST API Critical Change Detector
•CR593 (BVCS-22980) PBS BXF Playlist Export 3 (12658) - Insert House Number for Live-Record Packages
•CR595 Broadview Record List Metadata for Audio Configuration-Stereo vs. 5.1 Audio

•Bug Fix (BVCS-23515) Distributor Packages and frame count issue
•Bug Fix (BVCS-23248) Replace package functionality does not revert to most recent package version

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