1.10 Manage deliverables for a Job






  1. Create a new 'PBS Delivery In' job
  • On the Job template, create new ‘PBS Delivery In’ job.
  • Deliverables Job created
  1. Associate 'Internal Materials Contact'
  • Internal Materials Contact is associated to the job.
  • Contact is associated to Job and displayed.
  1. Select the catalog and deal which can be associated to the job.
  • Job is associated to the corresponding catalog and deal
  • Selected catalog and deal are displayed on the job.
  1. Assign producer(s) to the Job and status is set to “Awaiting delivery”
  • Producers are assigned to the job
  • Producers are displayed and status is set to Awaiting Delivery
  1. Select the deliverable to be created on the deliverables table.
  • Create deliverables in deliverables table


  • Create Deliverable page is displayed
  1. On the deliverables, enter value for the following fields:

1.Catalog Item

2. Deliverable

3. Description

4. Date Due

5. Deliverable Method

6. Required

  • Populate the following fields:

1. Catalog Item

2. Deliverable

3. Description

4. Date Due

5. Deliverable Method

6. Required

  • Key Deliverable fields are populated
  1. Offline email process
  • Follow the email process
  • Email process is completed.
  1. Document will be uploaded to the Jobs
  • Upload the document to the jobs
  • Documents are finished uploading to the jobs.
  1. Select the deliverable status to “Approve”
  • Approve the deliverable
  • Job status is Approved
  1. Select the Job status to complete if all the deliverables are approved.
  • If all deliverables approved, mark the Job Complete
  • Job status is Delivery Complete